Friends of the Prairie Wetlands Learning Center
Friends of the Prairie Wetlands Learning Center
602 State Highway 210 East
Fergus Falls, MN 56537-4217
Virtual Talk Recordings

MN Loon Monitoring Program WebEx Presentation


How much do you really know about loons in MN?

Where are loons present in the state?

Are loon populations declining like so many other bird species?


Check out the recording of a WebEx presentation from Rob Rabasco, a biologist with the MN Loon Monitoring Program of the MN DNR, to get answers to these questions and more! This presentation is full of fascinating information and beautiful pictures of loons.

Click the link below: Loon WebEx

Password: Gaviaimmer22




Friends Virtual Annual Meeting with guest speaker Heather Holm

sponsored by
West Otter Tail Master Gardeners and
Friends of the Prairie Wetlands Learning Center


Password: Pollin8!

Heather Holm is a biologist, pollinator conservationist, and award-winning author. In addition to assisting with native bee research projects, she informs and educates audiences nationwide, through her writing and many presentations, about the fascinating world of native pollinators and beneficial insects, and the native plant communities that support them. 

Her first book, Pollinators of Native Plants, was published in 2014, and her second book, Bees, published in 2017, has won six book awards including the 2018 American Horticultural Society Book Award. Her forthcoming book, Wasps, will be available in January 2021. Heather’s expertise includes the interactions between native pollinators and native plants, and the natural history and biology of native bees and predatory wasps occurring in the Upper Midwest and Northeast.

Heather is a National Honorary Director of Wild Ones. She also serves on the board of the Friends of Cullen Nature Preserve and Bird Sanctuary, a 501(c)3 non-profit. In her spare time, Heather is an active community supporter, writing grants and coordinating neighborhood volunteer landscape restoration projects. Currently, she is working on three projects with volunteers, restoring approximately ten acres of city-owned park land in her neighborhood for pollinators and people. She lives in Minnesota with her husband.​ 

Facebook: PollinatorsNativePlants and RestoringTheLandscape
Join her Facebook group to share your observations and pollinator photos:
Twitter: BeesNativePlant
Instagram: beesnativeplants

Click on the 'Recording Link' and enter the password to view the program. 




Explore the Beauty, Vigor, and Usefulness of Native Plants

 Are you looking to start a garden using native plants or want to incorporate them into your landscape? Or maybe you have just been curious and want to learn more. Join us virtually as we hear from Mary and Sally of Morning Sky Greenery located in Morris, MN as they share their knowledge and enjoyment of native plants!
 Password:  PlantNative21
Click on the 'Recording Link' and enter the password to view the program. 

Spring Birding in Minnesota with Steve Millard
Join us virtually Wednesday, March 31st at 7pm to learn about what birds we are likely to see and when during the spring migration.  Steve will lend us some tips about where the nearby hotspots are so we know just where to find these birds. 
Steve is known for his birding expertise, not just in Otter Tail County but all around Minnesota and beyond! You do not want to miss this presentation!
Password: MNBirds3 

Restoring the Prairie with Shawn Papon
Tune in to hear from Shawn Papon as he discusses prairie restoration! Shawn is a private lands biologist with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in the Fergus Falls Wetland Management District. His knowledge is vast as well as his experience working with land owners and many other partners, such as the Fergus Falls Fish & Game Club, Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, and more. Are you interested in what it takes to restore a prairie? If yes, this talk is for you!
Password: Prairie8

Snowshoeing 101 with Teresa Jaskiewicz
                                                                               This video will have you wishing for more snow!

Magnificent Migratory Monarchs in Michoacán, Mexico with Molly Stoddard
The recording is available!  See the password and link information below.
Password: Monarch12
Brought to you by by the Friends of the Prairie Wetlands Learning Center in partnership with the Fergus Falls Public Library.
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